Are You Ready to Level Up?

The new group will kick off August 1st 2024 and space is limited.

Are You Ready For Your Business To Hit The Target?

Many business owners and sales reps are trying to please everybody and serve every customer. It's hard work. It's tiring. In addition, serving everyone makes you a generalist...and generalists can't charge a premium! It's time for you to "Hit The Target," with your business. I will be teaching techniques from my book Hit The Target, and we will get in a powerful community to grow. With my help and the support of the community, you will be able to use this Target Mastermind to springboard your business into a bigger and better part of your career.

Identify your Perfect Customer

Understand the goals and desires of your target audience.

Build Your List

Grow your leads and create a solid foundation for sales.

Build Your Business

See your business reach new levels.

$495 per month for 6 months.

"For under $3000, you can forever change your business and your personal trajectory."

Kirby Hasseman

You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with! You have heard this phrase before…because it has big implications in your professional life. The most successful people I know INTENTIONALLY spend time with other acheivers. Are you?

Check out my TARGET Mastermind Group, specifically designed for people who want to level up in the Promotional Products and Branding Industry.

The mastermind group gives members the chance to spend time with other people in the industry who are striving to grow. We will learn specific ways to grow your business (wherever you are), share best practices, mentor and be mentored, and celebrate accomplishments. I will be teaching a different lesson from the TARGET Marketing framework each month, and help you build a business that lasts!

What is included?

  • Success Checklist ($250 Value)

  • Direct Monthly Coaching with Kirby Hasseman. After that short lesson, there will be discussion and homework to help you grow your business! ($4500 Value)

  • Monthly meeting with the group. Get access to the wisdom and support of the group on the journey. ($3000 Value)

  • Access to a privateFacebook group so that conversations (and growth) can continue on at any time! ($750 Value)

  • Access to All In One Marketing Software PromoMotion ($2000 Value)

  • Access to Better Business University (and other courses) ($249/yr Value)

  • Other special growth and learning opportunities

Over $10,000 Value for ONLY $2970 ($495 per month)

Copyright 2024 Kirby Hasseman